WhatsApp will allow to send photos and videos in high definition

WhatsApp users will soon be able to share privileged moments in high definition with their family or friends.


Meta, the American web giant, announces that sending high definition photos on WhatsApp will be rolled out globally in the coming weeks. Note that the standard quality will remain the default option to ensure fast and reliable sharing of photos. For images received with low bandwidth, it will be possible to choose, frame by frame, the standard version or the one in high definition.

To access this new feature, you must first update your app to the latest version. You will then notice a new “HD” button at the top of the photo sharing screen, alongside other image editing tools such as rotation and those that allow you to add text and stickers to the photo. When you press the HD button, a new pop-up window appears allowing you to select the quality of the photo. After sending the photo, the recipient will see the photo, which now has an HD tag in the lower left corner, warning them that you have shared a better quality image. All photos are protected by WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption.

High definition video sharing coming soon on WhatsApp

Mark Zuckerberg recently reported that high definition video messages have started to roll out on WhatApps and will be available to everyone in the coming weeks:

Voice messages have changed the way we communicate by providing us with a simple and safe way to chat orally on WhatsApp. We relied on this feature to develop instant video messages. Short personal movies may now be recorded and shared right in the conversation. Video messages allow you to say and show everything you want in real time in the form of videos of up to 60 seconds. We think it will be a fun way to share moments with all the emotion of a video, whether it is to wish a happy birthday, laugh at a joke or announce good news. Similar to sending a voice message, sending a video message is simple. Just tap to switch to video mode, then hold to record the video. Swipe up to lock the device and record hands-free. Videos will automatically play without the sound when opened, and tapping the video will activate the sound. Video messages are protected by end-to-end encryption.

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