Soon a feature similar to Apple Continuity in the Android ecosystem?

Soon a feature similar to Apple Continuity in the Android ecosystem? The information is still very thin.

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It’s no secret that manufacturers of any kind, in any industry, copy each other. Whether it is hardware or software, this “inspiration” or sometimes “copy” pure and simple, is today firmly rooted in morality. If we are more used to seeing Apple take ideas from Android, this time, it is in the opposite direction that things happen.

Soon a feature similar to Apple Continuity in the Android ecosystem?

According to Android expert writer Mishaal Rahman, who reported Sadykov's discovery on Twitter, the Mountain View company may soon provide its consumers the option to link several Android devices together via the same Google account. This could allow similar features to what we have today with Apple’s Continuity program, which allows users to link their iPhone, Mac and iPad together to be able to For example, taking phone calls on any of these devices rather than the iPhone alone.

The information is still very thin

At this time, we have no further information on how this new technology works, or what it would specifically do. In the image, you can see a button stamped “Call Failover”, which could give users the ability to transfer phone calls from one Android device to another, just like at Apple. According to the tweet, this option could also be used for “internet sharing”, in other words, having a personal access point between your devices.

This aside, it is impossible to know at this stage when this feature might happen on Android devices or what other functions it might allow. Android users currently have no choice but to wait and continue to enviously watch iPhone users use the Continuity feature.

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