Twitter will limit the number of DMs that non-certified accounts can send each day

Twitter will limit the number of DMs that non-certified accounts can send each day. Another way to encourage users to subscribe to the Blue subscription.

twitter message

Twitter has once again decided to make its platform less usable for those who have chosen not to pay for the Blue subscription. The company announced that it would soon introduce a new rule, a new limitation, on the number of DM that non-certified accounts can send per day. Twitter tweets that this modification is a part of its recently greatly advanced effort to reduce spam in direct messages.

Twitter will limit the number of DMs that non-certified accounts can send each day

On July 14, the website added a new message parameter that allows users to send the DMs of accounts that they follow to their main inbox and the DMs of certified uses that they do not follow to simple message requests. Twitter said it saw a 70% drop in spam messages only a week after it implemented this new setting. Before that, the site limited the possibility of sending DM to users who did not follow them only to Blue subscribers.

Yet another way to encourage users to subscribe to the Blue subscription

Although Twitter explains that this future change is primarily aimed at reducing spam in direct messages, it must clearly be seen as an umpteenth initiative, not quite subtle, to encourage non-certified users to pay for the Blue subscription. In fact, the site’s announcement on the subject even explicitly tells users to “subscribe today to send more messages”, with a link to the subscription page. Twitter had also previously implemented a strong limitation on the number of tweets a user could see per day: non-certified accounts were limited to 600 posts.

Elon Musk tweeted a few days ago that Twitter still had a negative cash flow, mainly due to the fact that its advertising revenues have dropped by 50%. Even if the money from subscriptions could not totally bail out the caisses, it could be a significant amount.

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