The “My Netflix” tab comes to clean up the service interface

The "My Netflix" tab comes to clean up the service interface. Finding material should become simpler as a result.

My Netflix

The Netflix interface can sometimes take you through many screens and other tabs just to find your next series, but the situation should be simplified from now on. Indeed, the streaming service currently has a “My Netflix” tab on iOS – in early August on Android – that groups everything you watch or want to watch. This includes current videos and downloads, of course, but also My List items, notifications, series with trailers you’ve seen and other distinctive content. In theory, you should be able to start a series without remembering exactly how you discovered it.

The “My Netflix” tab will clean up the service interface

This tab will be available worldwide and will replace the Downloads section when deployed. Netflix says its content will grow as you interact with the platform. In other words, feel free to leave likes or add content to your list. The Home tab, meanwhile, remains in place, to be able to discover new content.

Finding material should be easier as a result.

To some extent, the arrival of this tab is also proof of Netflix’s recognition that its user interface can sometimes be a bit cumbersome when trying to find content to look at. And it’s also an additional method to get users back. In theory, you should be more likely to stay subscribed if you have no difficulty finding your next content. This should also help Netflix to multiply interactions and identify popular content with more metrics than just counting views.

This feature alone will not make it possible to further grow the platform’s user base, but it could encourage the undecided to opt for Netflix instead of Amazon, for example, or convince them to stay.

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