Microsoft already offers a certification program around generative AI. The giant also organizes a big competition.

While tech giants are still working hard to understand and answer questions about the ethics of generative AI and its implications, engineering is out of the box now, and technology is already being introduced into companies. It finally makes sense for Microsoft to launch a new program for AI specialists. This program will offer free training via LinkedIn, including certification. This is somewhat ironic since the whole point of generative AI is its incredible simplicity of use: it automates the creation of content via natural language. But the courses could offer tips to compose more effective invitations while explaining everything through the menu to beginners.


Microsoft already offers a certification program around generative AI

The Microsoft AI Skills Initiative, part of the company’s Skills for Jobs program, will therefore offer free courses created by LinkedIn, owned by Microsoft, offering participants “the first Professional Certificate for generative AI in the online training market.” Microsoft explains that the courses will cover both the basic concepts of AI and the “responsible AI frameworks” leading up to certification. The programme is launched in English only, but the giant says that Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Simplified Chinese and Japanese will arrive “in the coming months”.

In addition, the Redmond firm is also launching a comprehensive kit for educators with “pre-cut and downloadable content for learners” and a dedicated AI course for trainers.

The giant also organizes a big contest 

Microsoft also announced an open grant program for AI to help historically marginalized populations. The GitHub,, and Microsoft's AI for Goog Lab collaborated to create the Generative AI Skills Grant Challenge. The goal of the project is to "explore, develop, and implement as to how non-profit or social enterprises, research institutions, or academic institutions can train and improve the skills of their employees to use generative AI." The competition winners will have access to Microsoft events and cloud computing resources, as well as financial help, educational opportunities, a variety of guides, and trainings. If you are interested, please note that the deadline for participation is August 15. You can apply here.

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