Images and videos may now be found using Brave's search engine.

Images and videos may now be found using Brave's search engine. Little by little, Brave is nesting.


Brave’s search engine will no longer require you to visit Bing or Google to find photos or videos. In order to assist you locate material while retaining the same degree of privacy and access freedom, the firm has created these query types in Brave Search. You won’t have to worry about being hunted down during your searches or missing out on politically sensitive content from another search engine.

Images and videos may now be found using Brave's search engine.

You will always have the opportunity to continue your research with a competitor, at least for a while. Brave points out that some search features, such as aspect ratio or license filtering, are not yet ready. The choice helps you get the results you really want, as long as you don’t have to worry about using a major engine. It is more important to have a “clear alternative” rather than an absolute equal functionality, according to Brave.

Anyone can use Brave’s web search engine today, but it is set by default in the company browser. The latter species can extend its reach by asking users to contribute to an anonymous Web Discovery Project.

Little by little, Brave makes his nest

Recently launched on the browser market, Brave launched its own search engine in 2021 and was able to distinguish itself from competitors also oriented towards privacy such as DuckDuckGo by trying to prevent the use of third-party indexes. Brave stopped using Bing’s last May. This takes 7% of the results, but also gives Brave more control over them.

This novelty will probably not allow Brave to see its market share jump. The browser is not even present in Statcounter statistics. Brave won’t worry Chrome, Edge or Safari, but it eliminates a major objection if you are determined to minimize your data collection.

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